• By admin
  • 18, Apr 2022

Everything you Need to Know About Communicating with Your Dog

Loving your canine and getting the same adoration back is blissful. However, without effective communication between you and your pet, it can become a struggle to train them. Dogs use non-verbal signals to convey their feelings and as their loving parents, you must be able to read these signs. It helps to understand them better and take care of their needs efficiently. Human and canine bonding grows stronger when they understand each other. Your dog can become your best friend and companion when you teach them to follow commands, listen to your instructions and reciprocate when they want you to listen. So, let us help you with everything you need to know about communicating with your dog.

Giving Commands/ Verbal Cues

Dog training requires patience and hard work. As a dog parent, you will have to use a calm and soothing voice to make your pup follow your commands. Use words like ‘sit’, ‘stand’, ‘move’ and ‘stay’ in the initial training phase. Do not use different phrases while giving the same command, as it can be confusing. Also, do not keep repeating yourself if they do not listen. It will make them habitual to listening when you repeat yourself 3-4 times. Yelling or intimidating is also not a solution. You need to use positive reinforcements to make them understand what you want them to do. Many trainers use clicker training for the same. They reward the pups with a treat when they listen to their command. The reward is preceded by the sound of the clicker that informs the pup about their obedience. When dogs get appreciated for good behaviour, they understand that this is the right thing to do.

Non-Verbal Communication

Dogs understand body language and it can be used to communicate with them along with verbal cues. Pups quickly pick up non-verbal communication because it is their way of communicating with other pets and humans. Using hand signals while asking them to sit can help in putting across the point. Dog owners can also use the leash to communicate their displeasure or affirmation over certain behaviours. For example, while walking, if you hold the leash closer to the neck of your pup, you indicate that you are not willing to let them move freely and are taking charge. On the other hand, if you keep it loose and let them sniff around, they know that they can roam freely. So, use the leash to indicate your response to certain situations and your pup will follow.

Discipline Bad Behaviour   

If you notice bad behaviour in your pup, such as jumping on strangers or counter surfing, you need to inform them that it is not acceptable by saying ‘don’t’, ‘let it go’ or ‘behave’. However, do not be loud or aggressive. They should know from your tone that they are doing something wrong and need to stop immediately. If they do not understand the importance of voice commands, you can use the ‘time-out’ technique wherein you make your pup go to his crate for 20 seconds and then come back. If you are expecting guests, keep your pooch on a leash and make them sit to avoid jumping.

Identifying Discomfort 

Understanding your puppy requires reading their body language. They usually show discomfort about a situation by licking their lips, cowering, excessive yawning or sneezing, keeping their bodies stiff, and avoiding eye contact. When you notice these gestures in your dog, you should make them comfortable by moving them away and calming them with cuddles and caresses. It is vital to understand that communication is a two-way process, and you need to pay attention to the signs of discomfort displayed by your puppy. Their tails also indicate their behaviour. If they are wagging it swiftly, it means that they are full of joy. If the tail is moving slowly, it signifies that they are being vigilant. In case the tail is stiff and is pointing upwards, they are in alert mode and when it is down, they feel comfortable.

Reading the Signs

Dogs often show excitement towards a person or toy by jumping, wagging their tail, displaying a relaxed demeanour, etc. However, it is not always pleasant arousal. Sometimes pups may get excited or aroused due to an unfavourable situation, such as an approaching stranger or feeling of threat. Usually, when it is an unpleasant situation, the arousal will be accompanied by barking, mounting, trembling, etc. So, you need to identify the signals to pacify them appropriately. To train a jumpy and mouthy dog during favourable situations, the pet parent must ensure that they channelise their energy in activities such as exercise, walking, running and playtime. Also, make them understand that mouthing and jumping are not acceptable by moving away when they do it. You can also start playing fetch to distract them. Putting a toy in their mouths is also a good way to stop mouthing.


Your fur buddies are your loyal friends and need your love, care and protection. In the initial years, you need to make every effort to understand their behaviour and make them listen to your commands. You can hire professional dog obedience trainers to enforce positive behaviour and train them well.
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